The Gospel Message: Contextualization (Acts 10)

The Colonial Era Model of missions continues to today according to Paul G. Hiebert’s essay, The Gospel in Human Context. “The Churches that were planted during the Colonial Era emulated western Churches in theology, worship and Church polity.” Critical Contextualization is necessary in missionary endeavors. “The gospel must be Biblical but relevant to the context.…… Continue reading The Gospel Message: Contextualization (Acts 10)


The Gospel Message: Peter’s Address – Acts 10:34-43

The gospel message is all about Jesus and what He did and is going to do.  Peter summarized this in Acts 10:37-41.  The commission to go and preach was given by Jesus in Acts 1 and the authority and power to preach was given in Acts 2.  The revelation for mission was given in Acts…… Continue reading The Gospel Message: Peter’s Address – Acts 10:34-43


Easter Challenge: The Cross and the Grave

The challenge of Easter that Jesus faced was a triple challenge; He faced the Gethsemane Challenge involved submitting to His Father’s will, Calvary’s Challenge was about paying the ultimate price and the Grave’s Challenge was to leave a lasting evidence of the completed work of redemption and His promised return. Luke documented this in Acts…… Continue reading Easter Challenge: The Cross and the Grave


The Challenge of Easter: The Gethsemane Challenge

Acts 10:38-41 & Matthew 26: 36-46 Have you ever had to perform a task that was very challenging? This task tested your will power, you were not sure that you could accomplish the steps but you determined that you would pursue the task no matter how difficult it might get. I remembered accepting the task…… Continue reading The Challenge of Easter: The Gethsemane Challenge


Speaking into the Next Generation (1 Samuel 3: 1-21)

The church is faced with a challenge, this challenge will determine the kind of church that we will have in the future.  The ability to speak into the next generation is crucial and the challenge we face.  It is hinged on the relationship between the “now” generation and the “next” generation as demonstrated between Eli…… Continue reading Speaking into the Next Generation (1 Samuel 3: 1-21)


Kingdom People Living By Kingdom Principles – Part 3

Part 3 As the Church develops a comprehensive and practical understanding of missions, this will propel Christians to act out their missional call.  For example, this message of hope and salvation through Jesus Christ transforms not only Cornelius, but his entire family, and Peter as well, as stated in Acts 10.  God was the underlying…… Continue reading Kingdom People Living By Kingdom Principles – Part 3


Book Review – David Kinnaman, and Aly Hawkins. You lost me

David Kinnaman, and Aly Hawkins. You lost me: why young Christians are leaving church– and rethinking faith. Grand Rapids, Mich.: BakerBooks, 2011. This is a must read for Senior Pastors, Youth Pastors and anyone that works with youths.  You Lost Me is a frank look at the reality of the church and the relationship with…… Continue reading Book Review – David Kinnaman, and Aly Hawkins. You lost me


Kingdom People Living By Kingdom Principles – Part 1 of 7

Reflection of Missions The challenge to be truly missional requires that persons consider themselves to be disciples, and begin to engage their communities in their everyday life, to be incarnate.  This has posed a challenge to the church and seeks to answer the question: how will missions and being missional in the 21st century be…… Continue reading Kingdom People Living By Kingdom Principles – Part 1 of 7


A Higher Call to Love

The fundamental principle of our Christian calling is LOVE.  This love is one that brings us into a right relationship with God through Jesus Christ our Lord and Savor.  This is not an abstract love rather it is a practical love.  To truly love, we have to first experience the love of God.  This now…… Continue reading A Higher Call to Love

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